Cisco Video Wall Application

Please note this is a summary of the original case for faster consumption. More details are available upon request.
Company:                Cisco
Name of Product:  Alcor
Type:                        Team
Role:                         UX/UI Designer
Date:                         2021
Mask Detection Application
Design Partner:
A grocery store design partner needed an application to scan people coming through the front doors to determine whether they were masked or unmasked to comply with a regulation. 
Strategically placed cameras at the entrances and fed live video to monitors in the office for live observation and video storage.
App Demo PoC (Proof of Concept):
To demonstrate two apps downloaded from the App Store working to enhance the IoT main app working together:
  • Video wall app
  • Mask recognition app
Flow concepts:
One of several flows created in Miro to work out the sequence between the dashboard, cameras, and monitors.
Table concepts:
This is one of several table concepts showing the integration of a grocery store floor map and camera locations to help the user identify their position and avoid picking the wrong video tile.
Besides showing the CTA to Deploy a video wall setup, the Table concept shows video wall coverage (Bakery, Produce, etc.) and additional information like ID and Tags.
Feedback from the Team was incorporated into Xd wireframes.
Video of App Store and Mask Detection App
Change of Plans
Because the Design Partner changed, only three phases were completed. A revised Process replaced the older one with new requirements. 
A New Design Partner
App Demo:
1.  Several weeks later, a new Design Partner, a security facility company, replaced the grocery store design partner.
The requirements changed to accommodate the security facility company’s request for only a video wall MVP with the main IoT application.
2. The video wall app would be a modified version of an existing Business Unit (BU) product.
Design Partner:
• They asked for three to four levels of authorization:
  IT Admin, Security Manager, Security Lead, and Guard
• At least four video tiles for the first MVP.
Business Unit (BU)*:
• To speed up development, a video wall application from a Cisco BU would be modified.
• This Video Wall app would have fewer features and capabilities.
• For this MVP release, only a four-tile video
• Good, Better, and Best product classifications.
This app would be classified as Good so as not to take away sales from the Better and Best apps.
User Flow concepts:
One of several flows created in Miro to work out the sequence between the dashboard, cameras, and monitors.
 Tiered Access Control concepts:
Rough ideas for the tiered access (IT Admin shown) and control dashboard feature list. 
Sign In:
• Four-tiered sign-in accessed concept.
Camera video tile selection concepts:
• Compacted column-oriented layout.
• The monitor's pre-determined locations do not align with the video tile column.
Camera video tile selection concepts:
• The monitor's pre-determined locations align with the video tile column.
• The layout is spread out and works with limited monitor locations.
Video of Video Wall App
Internal Review:
• The prototype received high praise for simplicity and UX/UI design given the requirements and restrictions of the video app.
• One of the engineer wanted to see more details on the camera such as ID and type/model.
Meeting with the Video App BU:
• I was scheduled to present the prototype in the jointed meeting.
• This meeting was canceled a few hours before the scheduled time.
• A few days later, the project was shelved.

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