Home IoT Cyber Security

Please note this is a summary of the original case for faster consumption. More details are available upon request.
Company:               Cisco
Name of Product:  Sentinel
Type:                  Team
Role:                         UX/UI Designer and Researcher
Date:                         2022
Home IoT Cyber Security
The arrival of many IoT devices into the home, all connected to various cloud services, opens up many vulnerabilities in the house.
The solution:
• Sentinel is a SaaS that provides 24/7 home IoT cybersecurity protection.

Sentinel Low-Fidelity Figma Prototype

Who is Sentinel for?
Home IoT Users
• Security concerns
• They may not even know of the security breaches
Companies with remote workers:
• Security concerns between the company and their home workers
Service Providers and IoT Manufacturers:
• Security concerns
• Reputation – their services and products are seen as unreliable and risky to use
• Aligns and expands the current security vision
• Large growth market opportunity
• New revenue source
• Disrupt the market
How to Advance?
Sentinel was in the Incubation Phase trying to advance into the Development phase.
• Obtain Cisco approval to enter the development phase.
• Attain more resources and engineering personnel.
• Sign up early adopter Design Partners who are board band providers and IoT device manufacturers.
Here's Our Plan
7+ hours of Interviews = (7) Cisco Experts
• Thirty minutes to one-hour interviews over several weeks.
• Experts interviewed were from Europe and the USA.
• Get their comments, feedback, and technology domain insights about IoT cyber security.
• Obtain their opinions on Sentinel.
6+ hours of Interviews = (6) Domain Experts
• One-hour interviews over one-half weeks. I was a co-moderator for all six outside domain expert interviews.
• I wrote over 70% of the interview script with the Senior Engineer providing technical questions.
• Obtain their thoughts on the current state of IoT cyber security.
• What they thought of Sentinel.
What We Learned
Cisco Experts Pain Points:
• They want to see Sentinel happen, as IoT security is a priority for companies with remote workers. These companies are asking about IoT cybersecurity applications from Cisco.
• We must sign up for Cisco with the IoT industry consortium called Matter, ensuring we stay informed and proactive in the ever-evolving world of IoT, with a particular focus on IoT cybersecurity and standards.
Domain Experts Pain Points:
• Most customers see IoT issues as broadband issues, technical and security.
• Educating the users is a must for successful IoT cybersecurity at home. Time consuming.
• Consumes a lot of customer service time handling calls from their customers.
• I recommended that the team needed a storyboard to tell and show the Sentinel story from a human-centered perspective.
• Show a relatable human side of Sentinel.

Created in Miro

• The Storyboard was integrated into the overall Sentinel presentation. The audience understood the benefits and purpose of Sentinel very quickly.

• People, upon seeing the storyboards, would smile and/or nod their heads in agreement. They got it.

Only the first panel of each page was shown to maximize the viewers' focus.
The second panel was revealed after the narration was completed for the first panel.​​​​​​​

50+ seconds 

Prototype Plan*
Based on several in-depth team meetings and insights from domain experts, several important steps need to be worked out in the onboarding and dashboard.
• Very early in the product development process to create a high-fidelity prototype.
• Lack of established content.
• Low-fidelity prototype.
• I designed the five main features. *
* The Sr. Engineer provides the product features.

Onboarding Page

• All clear. No Alerts.
Phone App
• Alert mitigation through the phone app.
Success - Research:
• Acquired positive comments from domain experts.
• We were able to obtain two early adopter Design Partners.
• One early adopter was obtained through other channels.
Success - Storyboards:
• The audience could comprehend Sentinel’s benefits from a humanistic view that is relatable.
• It brought smiles and heads up and down agreement movements during the presentation.
Success – Onboarding/Dashboard:
• The audience understood how board band compatibility and the process of granting access to Sentinel was essential and critical.
• Trying the free trial for detailed IoT security analysis received positive feedback in gaining trust.
• People had questions about the dashboard but understood it was very early in development.
• Overall, the prototype generated the positive message we hoped for.
(3) Early adapter Design Partners
Competitive advantage
Business Opportunity

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